Friday, April 03, 2009

Home at LAST!

Boy what a trip I just had! I left the New Tribes guest home April 1, 3:00pm (4:00am NH time, same day) in a taxi to go to the airport. Things were going good until.... I got back in America. I was waiting my 4 hr layover when United said our plane would be a 1/2 hr late... So after my flight from Newark to DC I missed my flight to New Hampshire by 10 min... Bummer huh?!? The next available flight wasn't until 9:50pm which I was bummed because I was really hoping to get to see my little girls at the airport and new after 8:00'ish would be way to late for them. But then unfortunately that late flight was delayed 2 times making our arrival in New Hampshire 12:30am! Thankfully, Ruth was able to continue to just sleep and her brother Jonathan was able to pick me up (Thanks!). Although, after arriving again I was a little bummed in that my bags were lost of course! So, after filling out 'lost' paper and then driving home I didn't arrive back until 2:00 am on April 3. I left at 4:00am (NH time) April 1. That means my total travel time this trip was a whopping 46 hrs! I think it safe to say that am DONE traveling for a while, at least by airplane!

Good to be back,

P.S. my 'whopping' travel time this trip not including the 11 hr bus ride I had to take from Salatiga to Jakarta....


Ben from Freedom Fellowship said...

I'm glad you are home, Ben! While not as long or annoying as your trip, I have certainly had my share of bad flights, so I completely sympathize!

JEves said...

Glad to hear that you got back. . . finally! Need to get a phone chat in with you guys sometime soon, Luv ya'll!