Monday, May 25, 2009

Going Green because God is Green Audio

We are Christ followers and therefore should be respecting God's creation and in doing so living in a way that is sustainable & renewable for generations to come.

If you would like to listen to my 45min. church message in it's entirety click on the link above two times.
Let me know what you think.


The Claussens said...

Hmmmm...I don't think i listened too enough Rob Bell to be convinced :)

Ben & Ruth said...

Are you serious? Rob Bell aside, I think we as Christ followers should really be looking into how our God would have us live on this earth and take it seriously. I think are lack of care in this area has already shown to have some massive consequences around the world. Let's start living in a way that is sustainable for generations to come instead of creating new way to get cancer....

Ben & Ruth said...

I had a guy come up to me after church and tell me that he has something that I really should ‘add’ to my sermon. He said that he’s been to Afghanistan and seen the destruction of how they depleted their forest. Now wood is such a high commodity that he said people are literally killing each other for lumber. Pretty scary thought…

Anonymous said...

That was great son! By the way your mama used cloth diapers on u!



Ben & Ruth said...

Yes! I was destined to be 'green' from the beginning! :)

thx Mom,

P.S. Ruth's Mom used cloth diapers on all 6 of her kids... Why aren't we using them anymore?

Amberlynne said...

I would agree with you on the fact that we should be good stewards of what God has given us, in this case, our planet. But i don't think we should go "green". I am from Washington state. There are Greenies galore out there. My take on it, is that the whole green movement was started as a political agenda instead of the whole "saving our planet" stance. Take the whole ethanol fuel issue. First off, it waste more money and resources than it was worth. It drove up food prices all over the world, especially in third world countries. Or take hybrid cars. The production off the batteries puts off more pollution than a normal gas car puts out in 10 years, and then you have to replace the batteries about every 5 years. So i don't think we should be saying that God is green. There is a stigma that comes with "green" that i think should be avoided. I believe Penny said it quite well in her comment on your sermon notes. And finally, I know without a doubt that the world will still be around until Christ comes back. And then HE will destroy it :) By the way, I agreed with a lot of what you said in your sermon, I just think that we need to be cautious with how and why we go about doing it.