Monday, February 23, 2009

Joanna update...

Family & Friends,

We've been back in NH for 2 weeks now, and we're pretty much into a routine of doing the program they set up for us at Hippocrates. It involves growing our own wheatgrass and sprouts (in soil), so it is taking some time to get going on that.
Joanna did have 2 seizures on Tuesday feb 17, so we spent that night in the hospital. The blood test showed that her anti-seizure med was not at an effective level so she is now on a higher dose. Unfortunately, this means she's more fatigued. Hopefully we'll avoid more seizures! She also has a real hard time being around lots of people or even just a few people that are loud (our 3 little kids) so its been a little tricky adjusting things around the house to make it more relaxed, but still let the kids have fun.

We continue to trust in God's ability to heal, and bring something good out of a tough time like this. Pray especially that we'll keep our minds focused on God, and not be discouraged or depressed. Joanna needs to be positive in her thinking in order for her body to heal!
Thanks for praying and giving! We have not been able to thank each of you personally for being behind us but we know you're there and it is encouraging!

in His hands,
Curtis for Joanna and the Kids

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