Friday, December 29, 2006

Enjoying our Break!

Well in case you haven't noticed I've really been enjoying all the extra down time of our break! There's been a lot of stuff that we've been wanting to post but just haven't had the time. So, we've missed a few 'tail end' school advents. But now I'm exited to to a little catch up on updating our pictures and information... I'm glad I was able to finally do that 'Fair Trade' post, and I'm also hoping to post a little on our language training soon...

For now I want to let you know that we've been doing a little work to our side bar. I've updated our girl's birthday count down at the bottle, seeing as how we now have a 2 year old going on 3! I've also added a 'Short term' prayer request on our side bar. We have a 'long term' prayer request link button on the side bar also. Last but not least I've added a 'Google Reader Updater'. This will allow us to share with you some good/interesting post that our friends/family have been writing! So don't forget to check the "Google Reader Updater' often.

Hope this makes sense. If not just read down the side bar and see what's new! :)

Loving Life.

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