Monday, November 27, 2006

Google Reader

Do you maybe find sometimes that you just have so many friends/family that have websites that it hard to keep track of? I know that for Ruth and I we have 25 websites of our friends that we like to visit and keep track of and it seems like the list grows every week! I’ve found that it’s just too much to keep track of because of the time involved to go to each one. Is there a better way you ask? Well, threw our friends Norm & Debra we found out that there's a better way. Google Reader!!! Here is a google reader video below to help explain more...

How does it work you ask? Good question. Have you ever seen these symbols on websites you visit?

These buttons link to the feed address for the site you are visiting. You can take these addresses and add them to your feed reader. How do you get a feed reader? The reader that we use and recommend is Google Reader.

Here's a picture to of our 'Google Reader' to show you what yours will look like.

I hope you start your 'Google Reader' today. To read more on the subject check out Norm & Debra post & if you would like to read more about 'feeds' click here


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