Gwendolyn Lael Kane
Born at 11:00am 4/18/06
Weight 7.10
Height 20’’
Our home birth went very well. Ruth started having regular contractions at about 3:00 this morning and then the mid-wives came over at about 6:30. Ruth pushed for about an hour. We’re very exited to have little Gwendolyn with us but exhausted as well!
Please pray for us as we rest up and Ruth’s gets better. These next few days are going to be kinda stuff.

Congratulations! I hope Mom & Gwendolyn are doing great. Take it easy Ruth. Love you all.
Congratulations guys! I can't wait to meet the little muncher!love you guys
Ooo, look at all that hair. She's got more than Chloe! It was good to see you today Ruth. We're missing our pizza night with you.
Great pictures! =) Let us know what we can do for you guys. Hope to see you soon. The Copelands
Hooray!!! Welcome little Gwen and good job momma, praying that you heal up well and adjust smoothly to a family of four. Love, the Eves
Congrats Buddy!
is it just me or does Gwendolyn already look like Ben in that picture second from the top?
Ben & Ruth,
We've been checking the Kane's Korner update first every day lately to watch in breathless wonder from afar. The Lord is so great! A beautiful baby!
Bob & Wendy
Congratulations! We are excited for you guys, and hope you have a speedy recovery!! Love you guys, the Bergmans
Oh, what a blessing, thank you Lord for our sweet baby Gwendolyn.
She looks so perfect and beautiful.
Ruthie,and Ben, you make us proud, and filled with joy.
Take it easy Ruthie, and give Baby Gwendolyn a hug and kiss from us.
Ben, great to see pictures so soon!
God Bless you all,
Papa, and Gma
Congrats!!! I love the name. Baby Gwendolyn is adorable.
Hey - great pics, she looks like a Jackson baby! Just like her mom, actually, Love you all, MomJ
Praise God for your new little addition! Glad to see that everything went as well as labor and delivery can go. She looks beautiful. We will pray that whe gets her day's adn nights turned around pretty soon for everyone's sake. We love you guys.
Good thing you didnt plan on naming her Suri, that would have been way to wierd, same day same name. whew.
Congrats guys! She's beautiful! And I thought Asia had a lot of hair :-) We'll be praying for all of you, as you adjust to having two little ones.
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