Saturday, February 27, 2010

Raining Day Treat!

Ruth's family didn't have cable TV growing up and had to play outside most of the time BUT it was a family tradition to be able to watch a video on a raining day. So in light of such a great idea it's raining today and our THREE girls get to sit together an enjoy a good classic now and then!

Do you have a family 'raining day' tradition? What is it?


Mark from Freedom said...

We go outside and play in it, afterward we thank Jesus and ask for more. (This might have something to do with living in the desert, but you never know. ;-)

Sarah Elwer said...

We would always just play in the garage - riding bikes in circles or playing basket ball mostly

Anonymous said...

My Nonnie lived next door. She would invite us over (everyone was welcome), but we had to dress up, men/boys in suits and ties, women/girls in party dresses. She put on music and we all danced or learned how to dance would be more accurate...waltz, foxtrot and polkas. There was lots of refreshments and we had lots of fun!

Love, Nonnie