Saturday, November 15, 2008

Family Drive : - )

This is the view from close to the top! Amazing huh?!

This last week we were able to take a nice drive on family day. We decided to mix things up a little and drive up a volcano! This Volcano is called "Mount Telomoyo" and it is 1,894 meters (6,214 ft) tall & can be found locally here in Central Java. Don't worry to much though, the last eruption is unknown. So with that said there's not much activity... We had a really good time getting out and taking a drive on the motor bike together. One of the best parts was we didn't expect to see so many cool/interesting things! We'll take you on our picture journal below!

This is looking down the mountain/volcano. Can you see the little road that just raps & turns?

The road coming up was pretty bad MOST of the time! But this part looked to be the worsted and I was pretty scared of getting a flat tire so I had the girls get off and I drove up solo for a bit on the concrete side. A year & a half ago when I came to Indonesia to visit my friend & I tried driving up this same mountain. But we were too heavy and ended up getting two flat tire before giving up and coming home.... Remember Nate?

This is one of my favorite pictures because it shows some real nice local road work!

These next two pictures show just how beautiful the actual mountain is. We had no idea! When we started to get higher and higher it started to look more and more like a rain forest!


Ruth & the girls taking a little walk around. Chloe REALLY wanted to get 'off' the bike the whole time and climb the mountain herself!

This is one of our favorite pictures! You can't see it real great here but we had been driving for about 1/2 an hr on main roads before getting to the mountain & Gwen's hair was all plastered back around her helmet because she sits in front! So cute...

Hope you enjoyed something from our family day! Do you ever take a family day? What do you do?

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