Wednesday, August 29, 2007


The last couple of days chloe has been pretending to fish out on the lawn. She will grab any 'ol stick and start fishing for clover. So i thought she would have a bunch of fun if I took her to the stream out back and tried her hand at the real thing.
Well... she loved it and about peed her pants when she caught a little, wiggle fish! i told her we could take it home. So she danced all the way home and after she had shown everyone, I asked what we should do with it. And well, a bit to my surprise, she said " eat it!" and we did.
Here are a few pictures of the event. Enjoy!

(Click on the picture to make it bigger)


Unknown said...

that is so awesome! I can not believe she wanted to eat it! I cried the first time I caught a fish because I realized that I had killed it - but rock on Cloe!

Katie said...

Chloe is so adorable...she'll fit in really well with the tribal kids! =)

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Chloe! A new fisher woman in the fam...


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh! So cute! We miss you guys. There's a new student here who has the same (or practically) shorts as Ben and the same blue NTBI shirt. He's tall and skinny like Ben too and I almost asked him if he likes pineapple on his pizza too. Pizza just doesn't taste the same without you guys. Keep updating us!