Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Our Weekend Round Up, Yee’haw

This past weekend we had a social here at NTMC. It was dubbed “The Harvest Round Up”. Basically we all dressed up like farmers and “Hicks”, and played a bunch of “down home” games. There was a relay race, a pie eatin’ contest, musical bails of hay… etc. It was defiantly enjoyed by all who attended.
Sadly though, Ben and Chloe were only able to stay for the first half. It was then way past her bed time and we could tell that she was fading fast. So Dad took her home and put her to bed. I stayed awhile longer and enjoyed being able to visit and hang-out with some friend. I also participated in the pie eatin’ contest. My team seemed to think that because I was pregnant, I was going to be able to shove all this food down in no time. This did not happen! I was beat out by a petite blond and her equally as small partner. Who would of thought! In all, it was a great time.


Julie & Chloe hanging out again

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmmmm pie