Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ben/Super Parent, Chloe & Gwen Update

Well, as some of you have asked, “who has the kiddoe’s”? That would be me. It’s definitely been a learning experience these last two weeks. I have a new found sympathy/appreciation for what single parents go through. Most of the time I just feel like a glorified babysitter just trying to keep the girls happy while Mom is away…

But all in all things have been going pretty good. We go on walks, play in the kiddy pool out back, watch a few cartoons or just try to get out and visit someone. Chloe & Gwen have a few favorite babysitters in case I need to get away for something during the day. And I’ve been trying to mix things up with food choices but it stays kinda the same for a single Dad. Breakfast is cereal, oak mill or fried egg on toast. Lunch is fried rice, fried noodles, peanut butter and jelly or something that someone else makes for us. Now dinner is a special meal for me, but I find we too have gotten in a bit of a rut with having Mac & cheese (out of box), peanut butter and jelly, fried rice, fried noodles, pizza, take out or left over’s (and some fruit throughout the day...). Although we have been invited over to friend’s houses for many 'good' meals!

So I guess I’m trying to say that we might not be learning new mathematical equations or growing in leaps and bounds but we are having a good time/bonding and hanging ‘in there for Mom to get home (one more week...)!

That’s all for now. I would post a picture but I kinda broke our camera climbing a volcano with some friends a few weeks ago (another post I gotta do!).

Grace & Peace,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're so funny Ben!

